• wren   |   26   |   they/them   |   EST

  • ㅤdo notㅤㅤbeg or nag me for replies. i am a full-time college student with irl obligations & i would like to stay on top of my studies. i will reply when i can.

  • ㅤdo notㅤㅤfollow if you rp rape, incest, bestiality, underage lewd, or minor/adult. these topics are triggering to me and i would like to stay away from those topics. also, as a warning, i won't follow accounts that have distorted face imagery, IT UNFORTUNATELY TRIGGERS MY PARANOIA.

  • ㅤdo notㅤㅤdrag me into unwanted drama OR proship vs anti discourse. i am an adult and i do not care for such things. i will rt callouts if i find that it is needed.

  • ㅤdoㅤㅤfeel free to dm me for plotting or friendly chatting! i love talking to new people.

  • ㅤdoㅤㅤcommunicate with me when needed. communication is a big part of my writing with others and i want to know if i overstep something.

  • ㅤdoㅤㅤinteract w/ my other accounts if you'd like! C: you can find my muses over on this card!

  • ㅤheightㅤㅤ5'6"

  • ㅤeyesㅤㅤgreen.

  • ㅤhairㅤㅤdark brown.

  • ㅤscarsㅤㅤtop surgery scars.

  • ㅤface claimㅤㅤtba.

  • ㅤlanguagesㅤㅤenglish, spanish, japanese.

  • ㅤparentsㅤㅤrobert galloway & amelia galloway.

  • ㅤsiblingsㅤㅤwilliam (eldest) & lucas (youngest).

  • ㅤpartner(s)ㅤㅤtba.

  • ㅤpetsㅤㅤsammy (ferret), nyx (black cat)

space, thunderstorms, coffee & tea, sweets, animals (esp cats + ferrets), video games, butterfly knives.
closed up spaces (claustrophobia), needles, uncontrollable fire, cinnamon alcohol, self-centered assholes.

ㅤstand & face me, my love, && scatter the grace in your eyes.ㅤ

  • ㅤnameㅤㅤzayne galloway.

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤalias.

  • ㅤageㅤㅤtwenty-five.

  • ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤoctober 31st.

  • ㅤgenderㅤㅤtransmasc.

  • ㅤpronounsㅤㅤhe / they.

  • ㅤsexualityㅤㅤqueer (masc lean).

  • ㅤlocationㅤㅤverse dependent.

  • ㅤoccupationㅤㅤgraveyard caretaker.

ㅤpersonalityㅤㅤsomeone with a resting bitch face but genuinely tries his best to give off a friendly demeanor. zayne's appearance has people backing away in fear of pissing him off, but his anger is only ever directed towards people he thinks genuinely deserve it. on the inside, he's just a softie who is trying his best to show that he cares. VERY respectful until he decides that you don't deserve his respect.

ㅤbiographyㅤㅤborn the middle child to a wealthy family, zayne always struggled with the idea of being invisible to close family, as well as his extended ones. he doesn't consider it a bad thing, but he lives with alexithymia and has difficulty expressing his emotions, so others will describe him as having a “resting bitch face” at least a good portion of the time. zayne also has difficulty with a diagnosed hypersexuality disorder, something he has tried to live with for half of his life after a traumatic experience when he was sixteen.
some might say that zayne is the embodiment of karma trapped inside the body of a human.

just another unpaid intern be pushed abroad the tulpar last minute. zayne has always had a facisnation for space and anything involved with it, so of course he'd take up the opportunity that pony express offered him.

v e r s e n a m e
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

v e r s e n a m e
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

v e r s e n a m e
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.